ecological transition


New technologies in the field of mining and impact on the ecological transition

The most recent technologies for securing the bank and for restoring blocks are of great importance when there are problems with structural defects in the material.

These technologies make it possible to increase extraction efficiency and drastically reduce waste at the same time, with a consequent improvement in sustainability, product quality, and cost reduction.

We always encourage our customers to evaluate the preference granted to suppliers and the material selection criteria on a case-by-case basis, also in consideration of these aspects.

Traditional extraction method

Le tecnologie tradizionali, attualmente largamente impiegate nel settore estrattivo dei materiali lapidei, prevedono di isolare una porzione di roccia di grandi dimensioni, tipicamente:
▪  Height from 3 m to 8 m (average 6 m)
▪  Length from 6 to 30 m (average 15 m)
▪  Depth 2 m or 6 m (average 3 m)
The bank is sectioned from the mountain with cutting technologies that involve the use of diamond wire machines and chain machines.
Natural fractures can be used instead of …

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Waste management

The rock that makes up the bank is typically characterized by the presence of natural, latent or overt fractures, which in the vast majority of cases cause multiple failure of the bank, which fractures into many separate portions: the objective of the quarry is to produce as much as possible large blocks (ideally 3 m x 2 m x 2 m), squared and oriented as much as possible so as to maximize the aesthetic result of the two faces of the block itself which, after sawing, will become slabs (i.e. the starting semi-finished product for making any worked). Compared to the extracted volume, the volume of blocks produced …
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Foglia verde che rappresenta la sostenibilità

The new concept of selective abstraction

Organizzazione e Lavoro

Selective extraction represents a powerful technological response that aims to positively affect all the factors of reduction in value, namely:
▪ increase the yield of the extraction process up to 90% – 95%
▪ generate blocks of large dimensions, regular shape, and with any fractures present healed; …

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The rehabilitation of the blocks extracted in safety

The restoration techniques provide for the application of resins infused deeply into the mass of the block in order to cement all the existing fractures, so that it is possible to proceed with the sawing into slabs: the pre-existing fractures restored from a structural point of view will always be present aesthetically in the slabs subsequently produced, but their presence can be considered a natural element that contributes to the beauty of the slab or in any case, being clearly visible, can be easily avoided in subsequent production operations finished

Impact of new technologies on:
Sustainability, Production efficiency, Quality and Production value

Strada nella Natura

The extremely significant increase in the overall productivity of mining operations has a series of repercussions that have a positive impact on a whole series of factors, such as:
▪ Sustainability: use of a smaller portion of natural resources
▪ Environmental impact: drastic reduction of waste
▪ Production efficiency: greater production of blocks in quantitative terms starting from the same portion of rock upstream
▪ Quality and value of the extracted material: the regular shape, the large dimensions, and the fact of presenting systematically healed fractures are elements that determine a drastic increase in the unit value of the extracted material.

Final considerations

The new selective extraction technologies constitute a real revolution in the quarry extraction process, a process that is distorted right from the initial concept: from the bank overturning system, with passive ex-post analysis of how much, what, and how to produce, for a pro-active approach, which analyzes the initial situation ex-ante and plans the best possible result in terms of quantity and quality of the outgoing product with the least possible use of reinforcing elements.