Case History


Companies that have been able to enhance sustainability

Italian companies operating in the stone sector are recognized worldwide as a reference for technology, innovation, and in recent years also sustainability: this above all thanks to some companies that have distinguished themselves for excellence in specific activities that are concretely effective in the ecological and digital transition of the stone sector. Let’s see them together:

Apuana Corporate

Apuana Corporate

La fabbrica diffusa

Company that centers its entire production of special products on the principles of innovation and sustainability; digital printing on marble is particularly relevant.


Henraux Since 1821

Company that has promoted a waste reuse project by introducing new slab designs using recycled materials from the waste of other products.

Logo Margraf


Industria Marmi Vicentini

Company that centers its production of special products on the principles of innovation and digitization: it was the first in the world to apply the technologies of virtual block testing and machined predictive rendering.

Carrara Marble Way


Company that was born with a great goal: to make the marble economy entirely circular thanks to the recovery of waste.

Logo MyLedger


Tracking service

The first company in the world to create a blockchain specifically designed to serve the production system of the stone sector has created the first NFT in the sector associated with a three-dimensional model in collaboration with DANSK and OBJVISION.


Upcycling Marble

Brand owned by the company PETRIS was the first to develop the concept of producing slabs generated exclusively from processing waste or the recovery of unusable parts, creating patterns and designs of the highest technical and design quality.



Marble & Projects

Owner of the REUSE brand, the company has created a line of design objects entirely obtained from quarry processing waste; and was the first in the world to adopt the three-dimensional block relief technologies in Geometric and Colorimetric high fidelity at its headquarters.

Franchi Umberto Marmi


The only listed company in the sector,
has heavily invested in various directions:
- Life Cycle Assessment,
- Environmental certificate,
- Pilot quarry entirely cultivated with innovative bank consolidation and block rehabilitation technologies.


Dal 1997 Risanamento e Consolidamento Blocchi

Leading company in the vacuum resin coating of marble blocks and promoter of the STOP CRASH technology for making the banks safe: these new methods are having a very positive impact on the production performance of marble blocks, drastically reducing waste.

Logo Margraf



Azienda che centra la sua produzione di lavorati speciali sui principi dell'innovazione e della digitalizzazione: è stata la prima al mondo ad appicare le tecnologie di collaudio virtuale blocchi e rendering predittivo lavorati.

Logo MyLedger


Tracking service

Prima Azienda al mondo a creare una blockchain specificamente pensata per servire il sistema produttivo del settore lapideo, ha realizzato con la collaborazione di DANSK e OBJVISION il primo NFT del settore associato ad un modello tridimensionale.


Marmo3D by Objvision

Prima azienda al mondo ad aver introdotto con successo nel mercato lapideo la tecnologia brevettata di rilievo e modellizzazione solida tridimensionale di blocchi di marmo in alta fedeltà Geometrica e Colorimetrica. Ha esteso la sua attività alla catalogazione avanzata con card ibride e tecnologie innovative che permettono di realizzare il collaudo virtuale di blocchi e il rendering predittivo di lavorati.


Marmo3D by Objvision

A company that has successfully introduced the patented three-dimensional relief and solid modeling technology of marble blocks in high Geometric and Colorimetric fidelity to the stone market. It has extended its activity to advanced cataloging with hybrid cards and innovative technologies that allow for the virtual testing of blocks and the predictive rendering of finished products.


Marmo3D by Objvision

Prima azienda al mondo ad aver introdotto con successo nel mercato lapideo la tecnologia brevettata di rilievo e modellizzazione solida tridimensionale di blocchi di marmo in alta fedeltà Geometrica e Colorimetrica. Ha esteso la sua attività alla catalogazione avanzata con card ibride e tecnologie innovative che permettono di realizzare il collaudo virtuale di blocchi e il rendering predittivo di lavorati.

Logo Margraf


Shaping the essence
since 1961

L'azienda ha messo a punto tecnologie di finitura superficiale che aggiungono valore alle lastre di pietra naturale, permettendo di attenuare la visibilità estetica dei difetti, con questo rendendo utilizzabili materali che altrimenti prima erano meno accettabili dal mercato e dunque probabilmente destinati a scarto.