We support your digital and ecological transition

Italian marbles:
a global reference for sustainability

Italian Marble, Carrara White, Statuario, Roman travertine… in the global collective imagination these terms sound epic, poetic, dreamlike, they recall history, tradition and made in Italy, they arouse admiration and a sense of belonging, they move dreams, projects, prestigious and luxurious creations . Italian Marbles represent one of the indisputable Italian excellences that the whole world recognizes us. In our Apuan Alps the precious white Carrara marble has been extracted for two thousand years, Roman Travertine originates in Tivoli and many other extraction sites throughout the peninsula supply …
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Advantages offered by technologies in the
Digital Transition

Combining tradition, respect for the environment and culture, and enhancing the uniqueness of each piece of marble with the most modern digital technologies is the mission of MARENGOLD, which was the first in Italy and the world to offer products on the web systematically using 3D technologies and of advanced cataloging, to emphasize traceability and commercial transparency. MARENGOLD promotes a digital culture in the stone sector, by all means, aware …
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New technologies in the field of mining and
impact on the ecological transition

A huge step forward in the direction of ecological sustainability has been taken in the stone world with various innovations which over the decades have raised safety standards, the performance of quarries and marble transformations, and made the entire process more sustainable. First, the helical wire, transformed right in Carrara for the first time in the 70s with the diamond wire, distorting the cultivation of marble quarries, then in the 90s with the plasticized diamond wire that paved the way for the most …
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Case History

The Italian stone industry has always stood out for its technological innovation and the skill of the workers, who have spread the knowledge and skills necessary to extract, work and use marble throughout the world. In this scenario that sees Italy still today in the very first position in fact as in the image, some excellences stand out which have first focused on extreme attention to sustainability, with different approaches and …
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Vantaggi offerti dalle tecnologie in ambito digitale

In ogni fase del nostro lavoro a fianco del cliente utilizziamo le più avanzate tecniche digitali per catalogare e documentare ogni aspetto informativo e iconografico del materiale, mediante l’utilizzo delle ultimissime tecnologie digitali tridimensionali, della colorimetria e degli algoritmi di valutazione e confronto dei prodotti rispetto agli standard da noi definiti.

Nuove tecnologie in campo di attività estrattiva e benefici sul processo di acquisto

Le più recenti tecnologie di messa in sicurezza della bancata e di risanamento blocchi rivestono grande importanza quando si riscontra la presenza di problematiche di difettosità strutturale del materiale.

Queste tecnologie permettono di aumentare l’efficienza estrattiva e di ridurre drasticamente allo stesso tempo gli scarti, 

con conseguente miglioramento della sostenibilità, della qualità dei prodotti ed abbattimento dei costi. 

Incoraggiamo sempre i nostri clienti a valutare caso per caso la preferenza accordata ai fornitori ed i criteri di selezione del materiale anche in considerazione di questi aspetti.