virtual testing 3d and video blocks
The physical testing of a block, performed in person by the inspector, can involve inconvenience, difficulty, risks, and costs that are anything but negligible; the fundamental need of the buyer to ascertain every discriminating element for a correct economic evaluation pushes these difficulties into the background and forces, buyers, sellers and intermediaries to resort to a working method which presents serious inefficiencies and criticalities.
MARENGOLD proposes, thanks to the most modern technologies, to test a block virtually, i.e. making it possible for the buyer to fully understand the results of the test without necessarily having to go in person to the place where the block is deposited.
Several ways can be used to achieve this:
First of all, a cataloging method is needed that allows quick and safe access to all traceability information, technical data and multimedia information (such as images, videos and 3D models)
The images and videos, properly collected and commented, can…
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perform the task alone but in this case, significant trust is required in the tester, who could arbitrarily enhance some aspects and neglect others.
The 3D models allow the buyer to evaluate the object autonomously or, if he wishes, in remote collaboration with the trusted tester.
All these techniques are systematically implemented in the MARENGOLD testing services and are usually proposed with the successive approximation technique: we start from the images associated with videos for an initial understanding; subsequently, the information can be enriched with a virtual test video; finally, the service can be completed by offering the possibility of remote testing thanks to the 3D model.
Once the test has been completed, all the relevant technical aspects from the point of view of the commercial evaluation of the block must be fully understood.