Extraction sites analysis and production systems

The analysis of a potentially valid site for opening a quarry includes:

▪ analysis to determine the consistency and quality of the reservoir
▪ in-depth analyzes to determine the time and cost of preparing the site for production
▪ engineering analyzes relating to the cultivation plan including the determination of suitable equipment for the efficient and effective execution of the excavation operations.
▪ the determination of the human resources necessary for the management and execution of the operations

▪ environmental impact analysis including wastewater, waste management
▪ the analysis of the social impact linked to the possible presence of residential areas nearby and more generally to the overall acceptance of the resident population towards mining activities, which are intrinsically noisy and dangerous
▪ the logistical aspects related to the procurement of the necessary resources (energy, consumables, vehicle maintenance) and the shipment of the materials produced

Specialized Team Members:

Piero Primavori

Claudio Gariglio 

Claudio Gariglio 

Companies associated with this service:


Franchi Umberto Marmi